Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We've seen Salem!

It's finally here. We received the referral package on Tuesday, and we hope to travel before Christmas to get Salem and bring her home! She was born in January of 2011, so this will be her first Christmas! Our agency has encouraged us not to post the picture right now, so bump into us and we'll share her beautiful face with you.

Yesterday, I realized that most people in Chattanooga have known us longer as "the family waiting for their daughter in China" for the majority of the time they've known us. That's pretty crazy. Well, we're about to change status! Jonathan is thrilled, and he's already bought Salem a pink giraffe blanket to match his Kiki Monkey.

When we can share more, we will happily post it. Until then, we look forward to the rest of our matching group to get their approvals in the mail (ours was mailed back within 5 hours of receipt!) so China can begin processing travel permissions.

Thanks so much for praying with us through this long wait. God is so kind, and we trust His timing as much as His faithfulness. This little girl is Salem Scott, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Next stop: Jaingxi.

One more thing. Next week, we're moving our blog to Wordpress. After being away from blogspot for a couple of years, I feel like I just stepped back in time. I'll post a link then.